Welcome to the Kentucky Maple Syrup Association

Promoting Maple Syrup Production in Kentucky One Maple Tree At A Time

Kentucky Maple Syrup Association

The Kentucky Maple Syrup Association is a non-profit corporation committed to providing a forum for all sugarmakers both large and small to discuss ideas, concerns and share information. We represent commercial and hobbyist sugarmakers in Kentucky and membership is open to all persons interested in maple syrup or firms engaged in any phase of producing, processing and/or marketing of maple syrup.  



Our current membership consists of approximately 42 members. If you are interested in becoming a member of the KMSA, complete the membership application by mail or online submission.

Uniqueness of Maple Syrup

Maple syrup has a rich history in Kentucky. Many people associate this sweet treat with New England. However, Kentucky has its own unique relationship with maple syrup. View it's uniqueness here.

Big Brothers Farm Stove Maple Production

Maple Syrup 101

Boiling maple sap over heat causes the sugars to caramelize into a golden brown color. Nothing is added to pure maple syrup, it is simply pure tree sap boiled down to the correct sugar content.  Learn more about how it's made here.

Join Us Nov. 1-2

The Kentucky Maple School has its roots in a regional event that took place in December. As interest from maple syrup producers increased, the event expanded alongside the establishment of the Kentucky Maple Syrup Association, transforming it into a statewide gathering with the date shifted to fall. Annually, the School provides an opportunity for maple syrup producers to convene and explore contemporary topics in maple production. It also fosters connections among producers, encouraging the sharing of ideas and experiences.

Maple Events in Kentucky

See what is on tap for Kentucky's maple producers and buyers.