
Get Tapped Into Maple Syrup

Join us to learn more about maple syrup in Kentucky.

Common Membership Questions...

Why should I be a member?

Our wide membership includes maple producers in Kentucky and other states, ranging from backyard hobbyists to long-time large producers. Membership includes equipment manufacturers, ex-producers, and just about anyone with an interest in the Kentucky maple industry. KMSA members are a part of Kentucky Proud and Appalachia Proud. Because we have members who are veterans and are also members of Homegrown By Heroes, we can proudly display that logo as well.

What types of memberships are there?

The KMSA is composed of producers and associates. Producers are a person, family, company or organization who produces, packs or prepares maple products in KY. An associate is a person, family, company or organization other than a producer who has an interest in KY maple production and products.

How much does it cost?

Yearly membership is $25. The KMSA year starts in November and ends in October. Yearly dues will be collected at each KY Maple School the first weekend in November.

What do my dues entitle me to?

KMSA members receive discounted registration to the KY Maple School, communication from the executive board throughout the year for reminders on how to enter your syrup into the KY State Fair, info about the KY Maple School, KY Maple Days, and other maple-related education opportunities. We also provide our members advertising on our producer's list and promotional giveaways to advertise KY Maple-related events

KMSA Membership

Need to pay your dues? Click below to pay online.

Membership Types

Below you will find a list of our members by type. Please feel free to contact any of them for more information or questions you might have.

Associate Members

a person, family, company or organization other than a producer who has an interest in KY maple production and products.


a person, family, company, or organization who produces, packs, or prepares maple products in KY.

Become A Member

If you would like to become a member visit our members page.